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  • Air Powered Pistons
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  • Air Powered Pistons


    Pistons  ensure that the pressure is evenly spread across the fluid
    surface to  provide consistent dispensing.  Wiper seal pistons prevent
    dripping and  eliminate material waste by wiping the syringe barrel wall
    clean as  fluid is dispensed. Maximum operating pressure is 100psi

                "Easy Flow" Pistons (blue) are recommended for most
    general  applications and they ensure no material residue is left on the
    syringe  barrel walls while dispensing.

                Wiper Pistons (white) are a tighter fit for use with very
    low viscosity fluid or with mechanical devices such as the TS700 manual
     syringe gun to prevent leakage past the double wiping edges.
    Straight Wall Pistons (red) are recommended for reduced stringing and "bouncing" with high viscosity products.

    700 系列点胶活塞
    活塞确保针筒内压力均匀地散布在流体的表面 ,即使
    是 高粘度材料也可实现稳定出胶。易流动活塞(蓝色)需
    要较低的气压进行点胶,在点胶过程中可预防 空气陷
    入。紧配合刮刀活塞 (白色) 对低粘度流体实现完全密
    封。 松配合直壁活塞 (红色)可以在点高粘度流体时预

    • ¥0.00
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Pistons  ensure that the pressure is evenly spread across the fluid
surface to  provide consistent dispensing.  Wiper seal pistons prevent
dripping and  eliminate material waste by wiping the syringe barrel wall
clean as  fluid is dispensed. Maximum operating pressure is 100psi

            "Easy Flow" Pistons (blue) are recommended for most
general  applications and they ensure no material residue is left on the
syringe  barrel walls while dispensing.

            Wiper Pistons (white) are a tighter fit for use with very
low viscosity fluid or with mechanical devices such as the TS700 manual
 syringe gun to prevent leakage past the double wiping edges.
Straight Wall Pistons (red) are recommended for reduced stringing and "bouncing" with high viscosity products.

700 系列点胶活塞
活塞确保针筒内压力均匀地散布在流体的表面 ,即使
是 高粘度材料也可实现稳定出胶。易流动活塞(蓝色)需
要较低的气压进行点胶,在点胶过程中可预防 空气陷
入。紧配合刮刀活塞 (白色) 对低粘度流体实现完全密
封。 松配合直壁活塞 (红色)可以在点高粘度流体时预


Size (50pcs) Easy Flow - Blue  Tight Wiper - White Straight Wall - Red 
3 cc 7030007BLPK 7030009WPK 7030006RPK
5 cc  7050007BLPK 7050009WPK 7050006RPK
10 cc 7100007BLPK 7100009WPK 7100006RPK
30 - 55 cc 7300007BLPK 7300009WPK 7300006RPK


Size (1000pcs) Easy Flow - Blue  Tight Wiper - White Straight Wall - Red 
3 cc 7030007BL-1000 7030009W-1000 7030006R-1000
5 cc  701000007BL-1000 701000009W-1000 701000006R-1000
10 cc 7100007BL-1000 7100009W-1000 7100006R-1000
30 - 55 cc 7300007BL-1000 7300009W-1000 7300006R-1000

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